Hollinger International Inc. v. Black,
No. 183-N (Del. Ch.).

Case Overview
Status: | Status: Settled |
Related Practices: | Related Practices: Corporate Governance, Securities |
KM led the high-profile Hollinger shareholder derivative litigation in the mid-aughts. We represented an investment firm in its efforts to stop egregious company fund withdrawals being made by Conrad Black, the company’s then-CEO. This ultimately required Mr. Black’s removal, a process KM attorneys put in motion through a series of sophisticated, little employed maneuvers in Delaware. Our client had approximately thirteen million shares of the company trading at less than ten dollars at the time of our engagement. When it became clear that Mr. Black was to be removed from his post as CEO, the stock rose from less than ten dollars a share to over twenty dollars. This rise represented an increase of more than $100 million in our client’s holdings alone, and a major victory upholding corporate governance standards.