
08/29/23 | Firm News
KM Files Amicus Brief Regarding Second Circuit Decision Exempting Overseas Manipulation of US Futures Exchanges from CEA
KM, in conjunction with co-counsel North River Law, has filed an amicus brief before the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of Better Markets, Inc., the Consumer Federation of America, and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy in support of a petition for certiorari.
The underlying Second Circuit decision exempts manipulation of US futures exchanges from the Commodities Exchange Act—the main body of law governing such exchanges—provided the conduct is carried out from overseas locations. It poses a fundamental threat to the integrity of those markets, with far-reaching adverse economic consequences for American businesses and consumers.
The underlying Second Circuit decision exempts manipulation of US futures exchanges from the Commodities Exchange Act—the main body of law governing such exchanges—provided the conduct is carried out from overseas locations. It poses a fundamental threat to the integrity of those markets, with far-reaching adverse economic consequences for American businesses and consumers.