Partner Randall Fox Speaks at Central New York False Claims Act Symposium
The False Claims Act is the government’s most powerful tool for deterring fraud and abuse on federal programs. The statute includes incentives for whistleblowers – known as “relators” – to file lawsuits alleging false claims on behalf of the government and to share in any financial recovery obtained. These whistleblower, or qui tam, actions comprise a significant percentage of the False Claims Act cases that are filed, including in the Northern District of New York, where the government has collected hundreds of millions of dollars in recent years. Whistleblowers filed 712 qui tam suits in fiscal year 2023, and this past year the Justice Department reported settlements and judgments exceeding $2.3 billion in these and earlier-filed suits. The program provided an overview of the False Claims Act, and perspectives and best practices from experienced counsel for the government, realtors, and defendants.
The event was held from 9am to 4pm at Marriott Syracuse Downtown. Attendees received 5 Professional Practice CLE credits and 1 Ethics CLE credit.